The tactical FPS genre has many followers and they have plenty of games to choose from right now. However, Arma Rerforger seems to have become the go-to title for those who want some action, especially on Steam. This realistic FPS was originally born as an Arma 3 follow-up that would serve as a testing ground for the development of a new main installment in the series. There is no news of a possible release date for Arma 4, but meanwhile, Arma Reforger has positioned itself as the first option for those who want some tactical FPS sandbox action. Developer Bohemia Interactive didn't have much luck with the game when it was released on PC, but its release on PlayStation 5 a few months ago contributed to expanding its player base, and the popularity of the game started growing at a very good pace.
Arma Reforger has received a significant number of minor updates that have contributed to positioning the game at the top of the genre. The latest one tackled a few stability problems and fixed a few bugs, nothing too big but meaningful enough for those immersed in the game. Also, Bohemia Interactive announced the Make Arma Not War 2025 competition, a contest with over $100,000 in prizes where participants from all over the world try to create the best possible mods for the game. The previous version of this contest was held for Arma 3 in 2014, and it was the source of some of the most iconic mods for the shooter.
All these have made Arma Reforger even more popular, especially on Steam, where the game has achieved a peak of over 22,000 players, which is quite an important number for a game that wasn't released as an AAA title. Bohemia Interactive continues to enhance gameplay with novelties and free updates, paving the way for the possible release of Arma 4 in the distant future. Considering the success of the game, a new main installment in the series would receive a very warm welcome from the fans of the genre, but until that happens, Arma Reforger is quite a solid option to pass the time and enjoy your favourite genre.
Arma Reforger is currently available on PC and PlayStation 5. You can check out the best discounts for Arma Reforger with our comparator anytime. If you intend to jump into the game right away, you need to be aware that Bohemia Interactive is working on some server issues possibly caused by a DDOS attack that is affecting DayZ too. Hopefully, it will be fixed soon.