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    “In my restless dreams, I see that town: Silent Hill.” The Silent Hill franchise makes a glorious return with a remake of their most critically-acclaimed game, Silent Hill 2. Go on a tense, atmospheric journey into the misty confines of a deadly, evil town, and into the psyche of a desperate, haunted man.

    James Sunderland lost his beloved wife Mary to an illness, only to receive a letter from her three years later, inviting him to meet her in Silent Hill. Confused, haunted by longing and memories, he goes there to look for her. What he finds is a horror beyond words, twisted monstrosities in the form of mannequins, floating corpses, faceless nurses, and a pyramid-headed nemesis that stalks him wherever he goes. Apart from these monsters, James must also deal with a cast of strange characters who may also have their own secret objectives in Silent Hill. Some may help while others may hinder him. 

    Explore a once-picturesque resort town possessed by an otherworldly force. Silent Hill 2 has been updated with modern graphics to improve the town’s menacing, oppressive atmosphere—but at its core, it remains a powerful journey into psychological horror. Welcome back to Silent Hill.

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    Best deals for Silent Hill 2

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    Deluxe Edition Pre-order Bonus Content

    • Mira the Dog Mask
    • 48-hour Early Access

    Deluxe Edition - Contents:

    • Digital Artbook
    • Digital Soundtrack
    • Pyramid Head Mask(pizza box)

    (*) The best price is currently 2090.44₹. We discovered this product available from 13 vendors supporting 2 DRM systems: Steam & Sony PSN on 2 platforms - PC & PS5. The game comes in 3 editions. Our price comparison tool has identified 46 digital offers. Additionally, our platform showcases feedback from users, with 40 comments already shared.

    Comments on Silent Hill 2

    19-Oct-2024, 7:23 pm on
    Jamais vraiement attiré par ce jeu, la masse d'avis semble exprimer beaucoup de positivité à son égard ce qui pourrait inciter à tester le jeu.
    Never really attracted by this game, the mass of reviews seems to express a lot of positivity towards it, which might encourage you to give it a try.
    17-Oct-2024, 6:13 pm on
    Le remake de Silent Hill 2 , c’est vraiment flippant et super bien fait. Les graphismes et les sons te mettent direct dans l’ambiance, c’est encore plus immersif que l’original. Si t’aimes les jeux d’horreur, c’est un must pour te faire quelques bonnes frayeurs !
    The remake of Silent Hill 2 is really creepy and really well done. The graphics and sounds put you right in the mood, and it's even more immersive than the original. If you like horror games, this is a must-have for a good scare or two!
    17-Oct-2024, 3:39 pm on
    Ce remake est juste parfait ! Il est tellement fidèle au jeu de base que c'est un vrai plaisir de le redécouvrir après autant de temps, une vraie pépite !
    This remake is just perfect! It's so faithful to the original game that it's a real pleasure to rediscover it after so much time - a real nugget!
    16-Oct-2024, 2:31 pm on
    Le remake de Silent Hill 2 , c’est vraiment flippant et super bien fait. Les graphismes et les sons te mettent direct dans l’ambiance, c’est encore plus immersif que l’original. Si t’aimes les jeux d’horreur, c’est un must pour te faire quelques bonnes frayeurs !
    The remake of Silent Hill 2 is really creepy and really well done. The graphics and sounds put you right in the mood, and it's even more immersive than the original. If you like horror games, this is a must-have for a good scare or two!
    16-Oct-2024, 1:36 pm on
    Le remake de Silent Hill 2 modernise le jeu culte avec des graphismes améliorés et une ambiance sonore immersive, tout en restant fidèle à l'histoire et à l'atmosphère psychologique qui ont marqué l'original. Le gameplay a été rendu plus fluide, avec des contrôles et une caméra plus adaptée aux standards actuels. La musique d'Akira Yamaoka et la ville brumeuse sont toujours au cœur de l'expérience. Ce remake, bien qu'ambitieux graphiquement, s'efforce de respecter l'essence du jeu tout en propos
    The remake of Silent Hill 2 modernizes the cult game with improved graphics and an immersive soundscape, while remaining faithful to the story and psychological atmosphere that marked the original. Gameplay has been made more fluid, with controls and camera adapted to today's standards. Akira Yamaoka's music and the foggy city are still at the heart of the experience. This remake, though graphically ambitious, strives to respect the essence of the game, while proposing a new, more contemporary approach.
    15-Oct-2024, 6:06 pm on
    Je n'ai pas fait la version non remake, et je songe très sérieusement à faire celui-ci.
    I didn't do the non-remake version, and I'm seriously considering doing this one.
    15-Oct-2024, 2:31 pm on
    super jeuxSilent Hill 2 offre une expérience psychologique saisissante, mêlant horreur et introspection. L'ambiance oppressante, soutenue par une bande-son mémorable, plonge le joueur dans une angoisse constante. Son scénario profond et ambigu continue de marquer les esprits bien des années après sa sortie.
    super gamesSilent Hill 2 offers a gripping psychological experience, blending horror and introspection. The oppressive atmosphere, supported by a memorable soundtrack, plunges players into constant anguish. Its profound, ambiguous scenario continues to leave its mark years after its release.
    15-Oct-2024, 8:59 am on
    super jeuxSilent Hill 2 offre une expérience psychologique saisissante, mêlant horreur et introspection. L'ambiance oppressante, soutenue par une bande-son mémorable, plonge le joueur dans une angoisse constante. Son scénario profond et ambigu continue de marquer les esprits bien des années après sa sortie.
    super gamesSilent Hill 2 offers a gripping psychological experience, blending horror and introspection. The oppressive atmosphere, supported by a memorable soundtrack, plunges players into constant anguish. Its profound, ambiguous scenario continues to leave its mark years after its release.
    14-Oct-2024, 11:40 pm on
    C'est toujours cool de remettre à neuf des oeuvres un peu dépassées. Même si je ne comprends pas l'engouement envers le titre original qui n'est qu'un long couloir rempli de portes fermées, mais soit... l'ambiance est ok mais sans plus. J'espère qu'ici, l'immersion sera totale et que le gameplay suit!
    It's always cool to refurbish works that are a little outdated. Even if I don't understand the craze for the original title, which is just a long corridor full of closed doors, either... the atmosphere is ok, but nothing more. I hope that here, the immersion will be total and that the gameplay will follow!
    14-Oct-2024, 10:35 pm on
    Apparemment ce remake est juste phénoménal, il suffit de voir les retours de la presse et des joueurs pour s'en rendre compte donc si vous êtes fan du genre, allez-y les yeux fermés.
    Apparently this remake is just phenomenal, and you only have to look at the feedback from the press and gamers to see that, so if you're a fan of the genre, go for it with your eyes closed.
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    • Technical information

    • Categories : Action, Adventure, Survival, Horror
    • Editor : Konami
    • Developer : Bloober Team
    • Mode(s) : Solo
    • Release date : 8 October 2024
    • System Requirements
      • Minimum
      • OS : Windows 10 (64-bits)
      • CPU : Core i7-6700K / Ryzen 5 3600
      • RAM : 16 GB
      • GPU : GeForce GTX 1070 Ti / Radeon RX 5700
      • Storage : 50 GB
      • Recommended
      • CPU : Core i7-8700K / Ryzen 5 3600X
      • RAM : 16 GB
      • GPU : GeForce 2080 RTX / Radeon 6800XT
      • Storage : 50 GB
    • Age Rating
    • PEGI 18 ESRB M