Final Fantasy XIV prepares for a release on Xbox with an open beta

Final Fantasy XIV prepares for a release on Xbox with an open beta

Many years of hard work after a full reboot of the game following a disastrous launch have taken Final Fantasy XIV to the top of the charts. The game has been the most played MMORPG for a while now and it has left World of Warcraft far behind. After enhancing its content with the launch of expansions full of novelties and additions, like Shadowbringers and Endwalker, the game has managed to consolidate a very large community of fans who enjoy exploring and adventuring in the world of Hydaelyn. Final Fantasy XIV offers the players an exciting gameplay experience supported by a welcoming community that keeps growing steadily as time passes.

Xbox is the next target

Developer Square Enix has announced that Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn will soon be available to play onXbox Series X and Xbox Series S and the version released will be up to par with the ones available on PlayStation and PC.



Those interested in joining the Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn experience on Xbox consoles can try the game via an open beta that will start on February 21. Square Enix has detailed the process to participate in the event on the official website of the game. However, the open beta will be only available to players who do not have a game account on other platforms already.

"Players who already have the Free Trial version for a different platform or a FINAL FANTASY XIV license registered to their Square Enix account will be unable to participate in the open beta test. We ask any players, who wish to play FINAL FANTASY XIV on Xbox with an existing Square Enix account and its associated characters, to please wait until the full Xbox launch after the open beta test concludes."

"To play on Xbox, you will need to link your Microsoft account and Square Enix account. You will not be able to unlink the accounts once linked. We ask that existing players please wait until the official release to link your Square Enix account to your Microsoft account."

If Xbox is your platform of choice we can't stop recommending you to give Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn a try. It's an outstanding game that will provide you with endless hours of fun. Of course, you can use our comparator to check out the best deals to purchase the game as well as the biggest discounts to expand it with the latest content by purchasing Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker and the upcoming Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail.

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