Instant Gaming EU

Information about Micromania

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On Micromania, you will find all the information you need about video games: news, release dates, promotions... For each video game, you will find tips, tests, advice and even videos. We also offer video games for download and free video games.

Services provided by Micromania

Micromania is an official store which you can identify with this icon Official Store. You'll receive your cd keys as text or image by e-mail, or by mail for your retail boxes or hardware.

Payment methods
Paypal Carte Bleue MasterCard Visa Aurore

Comments on Micromania

If you encountered an issue with your order, please get in touch with us using the contact form
18-Dec-2016, 11:55 am on
Normal la garentie panne au décalage qui vaut un mois chez micromania est passer, passer un mois d'achat faut voir avec le constructeur
Normal the guarantee breakdown to the delay which is worth one month at micromania is to pass, to pass one month of purchase must see with the manufacturer.
02-Mar-2016, 4:53 pm on
Mon fils a eu un casque de gamer Ear Force TURTLE BEACH PX24, acheté chez Micromania. Au bout d'un mois ce dernier s'est révélé défectueux. La prise USB de l'amplificateur s'est enfoncée dans le boitier. Impossible de recharger le casque. Nous sommes retournés, chez Micromania, pour faire jouer la garantie, ou confier l'article défectueux au service SAV. Et bien aucune possibilité de retour, de prise en charge. On nous conseille de contacter la société qui a conçu le casque. NUL!!!
My son got an Ear Force TURTLE BEACH PX24 gaming helmet, bought at Micromania. After a month it was found to be defective. The USB plug of the amplifier went into the box. Impossible to recharge the headphones. We have returned to Micromania to enforce the warranty, or entrust the defective item to the after-sales service. And well no possibility of return, of assumption of responsibility. We are advised to contact the company that designed the helmet. VOID!