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    20 years after the Tristram events, the Evil growls again in Sanctuary, and men that once were Heroes, are plagued by madness and can no longer fight it. The succession is called to fight against the evil forces to avoid Terror, Lies, Sin, and much more evils in Diablo III. Following the most famous Hack'N'Slash from Blizzard, you can now play up to 5 different characters to live an epic experience. First off, the Barbarian.

    The heirs of the siege of Harrogath are more determined than ever to make the infernal demons pay the greatest price for their crimes, he is the ultimate Berserker who will hold fiercely his bloody weapons and his heavy armor on the battlefield. His resource, the Fury, made of pure wrath, grows progressively when he fights, and even more quickly when he takes hits. The excess of Fury can and will be used to unleash devastating attacks.

    The Wizard, the undisputed master of the elements will be playable as well. The magus from the recluse island Xiansai are prepared to fight, and ready to burn, freeze, and wipe out the forces of Evil. He will wear magical artifacts created by Magic and will use the Arcane Power resource. Their whole body is made out of pure energy, and they even can shower meteors from the sky, but this kind of incredible summonings requires a lot of power and a bit of delay before being reused.

    The Witch Doctor is the one who mastered Death. In the Umbaru Tribe, the Witch Doctor rank is only granted to the elite. He commands spirits and corpses, plus he is a Poison Master. His weapons are gained from voodoo rituals, and he will use Mana and his henchmen to crush his enemies.

    The Monks have been, for a very long time, secluded behind the walls of their order of faith Sahptev fortress-monasteries, they come to join the others and fight for the light. After years of training, the Monk is now a pretty solid martial arts fighter, able to use his Spirit, which is his resource. The more Spirit his has, the more he dodges enemy attacks. He will also use fist weapons, so his training in martial arts is quite enhanced.

    And now, the Demon Hunter. Darkness took everything from them, homes, families, friends... and they seek revenge. They learned with their life how to track down demons, and they definitely have the means to take down entire groups of henchmen or major demonic entities. Your Demon Hunter will be using two resources, Hatred which will grant him merciless attacks, and Discipline, which might help him to live a few more days and fulfill his goals.

    Diablo III gameplay looks pretty similar to the precedent Diablo gameplay while using enhanced game mechanics, and a strong synergy between classes which will convince you to team-up with your friends. Shortly after its release, Blizzard will set up the online Auction House from which you will be able to buy items sold by others players with Real Money. On the PvP side, there will only be Arena PvP, in which a good teamplay will have a major impact on the final result, so get ready to elaborate your strategies. And to do so, you will track back your friends thanks to the Battle.Net friends list system which was first established on World of Warcraft.

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    Comments on Diablo 3

    27-Mar-2014, 6:56 pm on
    <blockquote><a href="#comment6546">Sovann wrote:</a> Bonjour à vous, je voudrais acheter une clé Diablo 3 PC sur instant gaming. Mais je suis sur MAC. Cela pose t'il un problème ? </blockquote> Bonjour, Vous devez juste posséder la version 10.8 de Mac OS. Vous pouvez retrouver la configuration minimum pour MAC ici :
    <blockquote><a href="#comment6546">Sovann wrote:</a> Hello to you, I would like to buy a Diablo 3 PC key on instant gaming. But I am on MAC. Is this a problem? </blockquote> Hello, You just need to have Mac OS version 10.8. You can find the minimum configuration for MAC here :
    27-Mar-2014, 6:44 pm on
    Bonjour à vous, je voudrais acheter une clé Diablo 3 PC sur instant gaming. Mais je suis sur MAC. Cela pose t'il un problème ?
    Hello to you, I would like to buy a Diablo 3 PC key on instant gaming. But I am on MAC. Is this a problem?
    06-Aug-2013, 11:22 am on
    J'ai vu Diablo 3 à 39.99 à la fnac, c'est valable en magasin, à voir s il en est de même sur le site
    I saw Diablo 3 at 39.99 at the fnac, it is valid in store, see if it is the same on the site
    decroo gerard
    03-Jan-2013, 11:00 am on
    bonjours.j'ai acheté diablo 3 pc sur priceminister,mais sans clé d' pensais pouvoir jouer hors ligne...comment avoir uné pour jouer intégral???...merci
    I bought diablo 3 pc on priceminister, but without an activation key...I thought I could play can I get a key to play the whole game?...thanks
    24-Jul-2012, 8:28 pm on
    g2play demande une copie de carte d'identité, alors que mon achat diablo 3 s'est effectuer via paypal. Bref, j'attend ma clef car aucun document personnel ne doit être mis entre toute les mains,surtout pour un achat numérique. Amazone,ebay,EA ou steam ne demande aucun document de ce genre.
    g2play asks for a copy of your ID card, while my purchase of diablo 3 was made via paypal. In short, I'm waiting for my key because no personal document should be put in all hands, especially for a digital purchase. Amazon, ebay, EA or steam do not ask for any document of this kind.
    24-Jul-2012, 8:25 pm on
    achat de diablo 3 sur g2play, demande une copie de carte d'identité, alors que régler par paypal. Ce n'est pas trés sérieux comme demande, paypal est sécurisé, aucune information personnel ou d'identité ne doit être formulée. bref,j'attend de voir si je recois ma clef, sinon litige paypal
    purchase of diablo 3 on g2play, asks for a copy of identity card, while paying by paypal. This is not very serious as a request, paypal is secure, no personal information or identity should be formulated. In short, I wait to see if I receive my key, if not paypal dispute
    02-Jul-2012, 8:43 pm on
    merci pour ces cle
    thank you for these keys
    02-Jul-2012, 4:45 pm on
    Merci beaucoup pour les liens.
    Thank you very much for the links.
    12-Jun-2012, 6:21 pm on
    La solution proposée consiste a modifier les données envoyées par le client du jeu pour faire croire au serveur que le client est en Russe. Cette méthode était utilisée pour tricher à WOW. Autant dire que Blizzard connait cette méthode et à les moyen de bannir les comptes de ses utilisateurs.
    The proposed solution consists in modifying the data sent by the game client to make the server believe that the client is in Russian. This method was used to cheat in WOW. As much to say that Blizzard knows this method and has the means to ban the accounts of its users.
    11-Jun-2012, 3:23 pm on
    Concernant le problème de Diablo 3 en Russe, Gamekeys4u propose une solution sur leur <a href="">fan page Facebook</a> qui semble marcher aux vues des commentaires.
    Regarding the problem with Diablo 3 in Russian, Gamekeys4u has a solution on their <a href="">fan page Facebook</a> which seems to work according to the comments.
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    • Technical information

    • Official website : Diablo 3
    • Categories : Role-Playing, Hack & Slash
    • Editor : Blizzard Entertainment
    • Developer : Blizzard Entertainment
    • Mode(s) : Solo, Multiplayer
    • Release date : 15 May 2012
    • System Requirements
      • Minimum
      • OS : Windows XP / Vista / 7
      • CPU : Pentium D 2.8 GHz / Athlon 64 X2 4400+
      • RAM : 2 GB
      • GPU : GeForce 7800 GT / Radeon X1950 Pro
      • Storage : 25 GB
    • Age Rating
    • PEGI 16 ESRB M