Fallout 76 is getting a new raid

Fallout 76 is getting a new raid

It seems that Bethesda Softworks does not give up on Fallout 76. After adding to the game the Nuclear Winter mode not too long ago, the creators of the Fallout series managed to increase the player base of the game, which is something that many of us would have thought unlikely after the somewhat rocky beginnings of the game. Nuclear Winter is the 52-player Battle Royale mode of Fallout 76, and even if we can imagine that is something that was not originally intended to be part of the game, it turned out to be a great success. If you take a look at how things are going for shooters lately, every game in the genre is adding a BR feature either at the launch or at some point after that, and in most cases, capitalizing on Fortnite's popularity has been the right thing to do. It seems that it has worked well for Bethesda, and now they plan on expanding the content of Fallout 76 without forgetting about Nuclear Winter.

QuakeCon 2019 has been celebrated this weekend in Texas, and it was the perfect place for Bethesda to announce what's coming for Fallout 76 in the following months. They announced that Fallout 76's battle royale mode is getting a new map set in the urban environment area of Morgantown. This new map is coming in September, and it will also add some improvements to the gameplay. But that's not the only thing coming to Fallout 76 very soon. Teams of up to four players will be able to take part in the Vault 94 raid starting on August 20th. This new adventure will let players take on a weekly mission that will get them to explore the Vault 94, and if they are lucky enough, they may even survive the experience and find some legendary loot. There are three different missions on a weekly rotation for the players to complete. It was also revealed that the Wastelander expansion is bringing back NPCs to the game, so we will see some settlements, points of interest, factions and more added to the game in November. Finally, we got to know that private servers are coming to Fallout 76 “sooner than you think.” If you want more details about the content coming to Fallout 76 you can watch Bethesda Softworks' presentation in the QuakeCon 2019 in the following video.



Fallout 76
Fallout 76